I’ve overcome my fear of |
burning candles cutting tags off clothes using the good china drinking the champagne |
You can too. |
I didn’t burn a special candle until it was too late. This loss revolutionized how I think about my things.
Learn how in my TEDx talk or article.
Don’t Let Your Candle Melt in the Closet. We make up excuses and reassure ourselves that ‘someday when’ we will use our things and celebrate our life. Meanwhile, the candle melts in the closet, the champagne goes flat in the bottle, the clothes keep their tags on, and we let our life pass us by.

No more melting! I am here to help you take small actions to enjoy your life as you’re living it, not ‘someday when.’ As we embrace our life and realize we are worthy of having and using our nice things, we realize it’s possible to embrace today. I write about why we save our things, why we struggle to get rid of things, and how to overcome the obstacles and mindsets that hold us back from enjoying our lives.

I live in Vancouver, BC, with my husband.
I’m a curly girl. Yes, it’s natural, no you can’t touch it!
I was an Emergency Room nurse for many years and now am the ER manager. This means I’m quick on my feet, drawn to chaos, and come alive in a crisis.
I love public speaking (please see above about loving chaos). I have been a Toastmaster for over 8 years and am a public speaking coach
I’m 100% a dog person and can’t be trusted to focus on any conversation when a cute dog is anywhere in the vicinity.
I have a big smile, accompanied by a big laugh, and have been guilty of making more than one head swivel in a quiet restaurant (sorry, not sorry).
I’m always on the hunt for a good deal and buy 99% of my clothes on sale or at the thrift store.
My guilty pleasure is baked goods with a deep commitment to muffins.